Thursday, April 15, 2010


Every day is a school of Learning if we keep our ears and eyes open…..

Each experience good and bad can teach us something if we keep our Minds open……

Seemingly unimportant Moments if linked to our past experiences can re-shape our future for good.

Here is something I learned the Hard-Way….

If We Refuse To Learn The Easy Lessons Of Life, They Get Harder!

If we miss or ignore life’s quiet whispered lessons, they return as Wake-Up Calls, and whenever God calls, we had better pick up the phone.

We can’t undo all our mistakes, all our bad judgments, all our sin, but we can Learn from them. If we don’t Learn, the Lessons get Harder….

Regretting our mistake is not the same as Learning The Lesson.

In the school of daily Life we are not here to be perfect, but to Live and Learn, to fall and rise again with God’s help. ~ To evolve and strive toward our highest God given Potential.

We are here not always to get what WE want, but to Learn and Grow, to help others in their “School” learning, and ultimately to become who God wants us to be and Needs us to be for His Kingdom.

Listen, God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.

Two of the most power filled classrooms in Life are Relationships and Disappointments (some of you have taken these classes together..Ouch!)

Relationships can often serve as “God’s pressure cooker,” through which we gain access to self-knowledge. If we are honest it is in the middle of some relationship difficulty that we have seen parts of ourselves that weren’t as Christ-like as we had imagined ourselves to be... Remember You can Only Change YOU!

Seeing ourselves this way can birth Stubbornness or Humility……

But will you Learn?

Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be. ~Grandma Moses

Disappointments, Adversity, Pain are another of Life’s greatest teachers if we will listen…

Physical pain, or discomfort wakes us to a physical problem and we finally make that doctors appointment, or schedule that unpleasant test we have been putting off.

Good advice often works best, when preceded by a bad scare. ~English Proverb

Some pain in life is inevitable, but as we open our minds to the Lesson it is trying to teach us.. As we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us out of the pain, suffering dissolves….

The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. But he won't sit upon a cold stove lid, either. ~Mark Twain

Learn, the stove is not evil, the heat is the problem!!!

Repeated lessons hurt the most, so let’s all follow the example of Polly, the quick witted but foul mouthed parrot given as a birthday gift to Patty. Polly had a bad attitude and an even worse mouth, cussed like a sailor (no offense to sailors, but you know how you talk..) Patty tried playing Christian music, no change. She tried pleading, praying and eventually yelling, but Polly continued cursing. So, in a moment of desperation, Patty shoved Polly in the freezer, surrounded by frozen vegetables, fish, and chicken. Polly squawked, screeched and cussed for a few moments ~ then suddenly went silent. Worried that she may have frozen her pet, Patty quickly opened the freezer door… Polly calmly and quietly stepped out onto Patty’s extended arm and said, “I sincerely regret if my language has offended you and I offer my deepest apologies. In the future I will endeavor to correct my behavior and be a model of civility.” Wow! Patty thought great it worked. Then Polly added casually, “By the way, Patty, may I enquire as to how the chicken offended you?”

Polly decided to Learn the easy Lesson ~ a visit to the freezer instead of permanent residence.

I recently read an article by Dr. Mark Rutland…It was clever, and very thought provoking after sharing it with Deb she suggested I share it with our Blog friends, she must have known some of you are still Learning..(Like Us)

Below is a link…Read it.. Pray about it …Print it …Practice it …Pass it along…

See You in Church….

Leave “Some” Feedback…

Still Learning…Mark & Deb

10 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Was 21


Bob A said...

Great blog & Selah today.

It's so great to know that when we are wresling with Lessons of life that NONE understands like Jesus (the song was awesome by the way).

There are times I feel God is taking me through life's lessons as the stern school master....but no.....none understands like my friend Jesus.

Oh man! Amen!

Ginny S. said...

I've been in the position of the "cat" and "Polly" and I know how they felt. As I look back, I can see the MANY times God has picked me up, brushed me off and carried me. I can see the added lights in my "field of mercy" - how they multiply every day. God is so forgiving and faithful. Life is learning and I thank Him for the teachers He has blessed us with. "What a day it shall be" when we can receive our diploma from the "School of Daily Living".

Anonymous said...

Learning without reflection is a waste, reflection without learning is dangerous.

Bob A said...

Great Selah Friday and Lesson on Foundations today.

I've put in a lot of foundations in my line of work. In manhattan we always want to set that foundation on the "Rock" or Virgin soil. Jesus knew what He was talkin about. And as told in the Selah, we need to ask God for the wisdom to know how to build it.....He's life's Geotechnical engineer!

Thanks PM

Anonymous said...

A new lesson today with a great Selah!!

It goes hand in hand with the thoughts of this past 604 service....ACCEPT and TRUST !

The prayer in today's Selah is after my own heart....."God help me to Trust You every day to work Your plan and will for my life, in Jesus name".

Mark 9:24 (Amplified Bible)
24At once the father of the boy gave [an [a]eager, [b]piercing, inarticulate] cry with tears, and he said, Lord, I believe! [Constantly] help my [c]weakness of faith!

Natalie K. said...

Great Blog, PM!
I really like the 10 things I wish I knew at 21 list... I'm not that far from 21, but I really feel like I battle with #10 still: Prayer Is More Powerful Than Persuasion.

I tend to try to control many situations and sometimes people through persuasion or my opinion and what I really need to do is just shut up and pray.

Thank you for posting that. :)

Anonymous said...

New to Godly things. I came across this blog on lessons and I have a question....

If I say that I am new to Godly things and the Bible, can anyone tell me from the bible how God deals with us when we fail; we know it's our fault; we confess it to God but now we are living through the consequences? Does He help us? Does He always hear our prayers?

Can anyone help me?